Saturday, June 23, 2007

I Truly Love TOYS

I collect all sorts of items that could be considered playthings. Most of the items I collect are from my childhood, some are not. I am captivated by playsets, like barns, farms, and ertl country sets.
I also have a rather large set of dollhouses, all kinds; metal and wooden, in different scales. Furniture, accessories and leetle teeny dollies. I am passionate about playing The Sims and have every single game, Sims 1 and Sims 2. I love building the houses, making the neighborhoods and making people, but playing? No so much. I am addicted to Google Earth (since it was Keyhole) and Google maps. The feeling of fascination I have with all of these things is the same. OMG, I must want to be a God! Not THE God, perhaps, but some god? Controlling the little things beneath me, having the final say...! Nahhh, that's not it, at least not completely. I do love the control, but I think it's more of controlling my immediate environment, the one before me at the moment, and not the entire universe. That would be too much work. I do this for pleasure. I was going to upload a couple of photos here, but I am shocked to find I don't have any. Geez.

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